Baby Care, Newborn, Newborn Baby

9 baby-father bonding activities

Babies are often closer to their moms than their dads. But worry not daddas, for we are here! niñio has the mother’s seal of approval, but we care for doting fathers equally.

Here, we are sharing a few ways through which you can increase your bond with your baby. Let’s go!

Tips for increasing bond with baby

1.Early interaction

If dads interact with the new-born in the first few hours of birth, it can go a long way towards cementing the bond with baby. The book “Your Amazing Newborn” by Dr John Klaus and Phyllis Klaus states that the dads who interact and make eye contact with their kids in the early hours after their birth spend considerably more time with them during the first three months than the fathers who don’t.

Tip – The time when the mother takes her first shower after delivery would be perfect for the dad to practice this.

2.Bottle-feed or breastfeed your baby

Wait, what? Yes, we know that we are talking of increasing father and daughter bonding or father-son bonding. For aeons, the act of breastfeeding has been limited to women and here is why it is beautiful-

  • It provides an unmatched bonding experience
  • It is an act of sustenance since it is the most nourishing food source for the new-born

So, why should dads be left behind? niñio baby bottles are EA free and are extremely easy to handle. So, even fathers can easily feed pumped breast milk to the baby.

Moreover, did you know that even men can breastfeed now? There are male breastfeeding devices now, which are both fun-to-use and genius at the same time. Besides, even when the mom breastfeeds the dads can lend a helping hand by taking over burping duties or putting the baby to sleep later.

3.Skin to skin contact

Here is a list of benefits that skin to skin contact has for babies –

  • Temperature regulation
  • A feeling of comfort and security
  • Stress reduction
  • Release of oxytocin
  • Stabilization of blood sugar

We doubt if there is anything better in the world than the smell and touch of a new-born baby. So fathers, take your shirt off, sit back in a reclining chair with your baby on your chest, cosy up in a blanket and take some precious time out for your bond with baby.

Babies who grow up with kangaroo care enjoy more blissful sleep at nights which boosts their organizational behaviour and reduces stress. The skin to skin contact can also aid the development of essential neural pathways.

4.Baby wearing

Baby wearing has a host of benefits. Some of them are –

  • It immensely strengthens the bond with baby
  • It is more convenient to do tasks and chores at home or work

With a plethora of options available in the market make sure that you use a carrier that is safe to use. One efficient way to ensure this would be to check if it fits both the baby and the father well enough.

5.Have a clear transition from work to home

Fathers need to have an established returning home routine to make the baby look forward to it. Just ensure that you enter your abode with a clear headspace and after taking a relaxing, deep breath. Take your child in a loving embrace and take some time out to reconnect after the separation. This simple act will immensely boost your bond with baby.

6.Sing to calm the baby

No matter how bad your voice is, your baby will love it. It is a fantastic idea to sing a soothing song for your baby during pregnancy and then repeat the same song after birth to calm and soothe the baby. If not, you can express your love by simply talking in a soft tone.

7.Burn some calories

You can get the much needed physical activity and spend time with your child at the same time. You can take the baby around in a stroller when it is really young. Later, you can progress towards the following –

  • Putting the baby in a child seat on a bike
  • Using a bike trailer
  • Using a jogging stroller

Note – Before using any equipment, read the age/weight guidelines to prevent injuries.

8.Take a safe bath together

We have already covered an article on how you can bathe your baby safely. Though most new-borns don’t need frequent bathing, taking a bath with their dad in room temperature water can be a great experience for enhancing father and daughter bonding or father-son bonding.

Ensure that you have a responsible adult to take care of the baby while entering and coming out of the bathtub as babies are slippery when wet.

9.Taking a paternity leave

The status of paternity leaves in India paints a pretty dismal picture for now. Yet, there is a growing awareness amongst the citizens regarding the necessity of the same and several organizations are taking a step forward to ensure that gender parity is maintained through paid paternity leaves. If a mother wants to return to work, it can even allow fathers to become the primary caretaker for some time.


1.When do fathers bond with their babies?

It is natural for dad to not fall in love with their babies at first sight, unlike mothers. It is due to these reasons –

  • A different experience of pregnancy than mothers
  • An overwhelming feeling of responsibility and protection
  • Societal bias pushes men away from traditional parenting

You can utilize the tips in the article to make it easier to bond with baby. You can also join a support group or meet other dads at places like parks to share your feelings, connect and devise solutions together. Remember, you are not alone!

2.How crucial is father baby bonding?

Fathers who feel that their involvement with their babies doesn’t matter much should go through these points –

  • If a father plays with his child from the start, there is tremendous mental and physical development.
  • The child will have better stress management skills while growing up.
  • Fathers who spend some time with their new-born babies experience decreased stress levels and witness a confidence boost.

The bottom line

niñio understands that not all families are composed of male and female counterparts, and every family is unique in its way. Yet, the onus is on every member of the family to do whatever little they can to build a bond with the baby. If you have any suggestions or queries, reach out to us.

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