The little one relies on your milk for its optimum growth and daily nourishment. Breast milk is the baby’s lifeline, and you must ensure that you provide him adequate pumped milk. New mothers face many hormonal changes that may sometimes lead to problems in pumping. Continue reading ahead to find out nine tips to increase breast milk supply when pumping. Trusted by several other mothers, these will help you connect with your child and embrace motherhood with confidence.
- Always stay hydrated.
Your liquid consumption directly impacts the fluid levels in your body. While the exact number of glasses varies from one person to others, it is a general thumb rule that you must drink at least seven to eight glasses of water daily. Please note that hydration does not refer to only water but other liquid as well, such as fresh juice, coconut water, high water-content fruits and vegetables, the salt portion in food, and likewise. Excess of anything is wrong, so you must regulate your diet.
- A balanced diet is a secret to success.
Giving birth to a child is not an easy task. Ladies go through immense pain and body changes in the process of bringing a new life into this world. A balanced diet must include vital nutrients such as vitamins, calcium, potassium, and likewise. You must eat green, leafy vegetables and fresh fruits daily. Breastfeeding moms need an extra ~500 calories per day. Some of the healthiest items to eat are protein-rich flaxseeds, oatmeal eggs, yogurt, etc. In case you wish to bring a change to your monotonous menu, it is a great idea to try out various smoothies and shakes.
- Vitamins form the base of your lifestyle.
Vitamins are the building blocks of a healthy diet. Breastfeeding your little one is a big responsibility. You need to pump adequate milk for your child’s strong immunity and all-round development. When the newborn steps into the world, he has no teeth to chew on the dishes we eat as adults. Thus, your breastmilk is all he has. Remember to consume calcium, vitamin D, iron, and folic acid in portions as recommended by your nutritionist. Your milk is primarily made up of what you eat!
- Let your baby take the lead.
Looking after the little one is a full-time role. There is no fixed hour when your baby needs to be nursed. You need to be ready all the time. However, it becomes a major challenge for working mothers. Moreover, breastfeeding and looking after a child can also be mentally stressful. New mothers should pay extra attention to their mental well-being and must resort to counseling if needed. Lactation consultants advise you to follow the bay’s lead and feed them whenever they are hungry. Though this is not possible each time your little one cries, it is essential to dedicate the initial years in your baby’s care. This can boost your pumped milk.
- Let your child feed fully.
For the uninitiated, production of breast milk is all about demand and supply. The more your child feed and empties the breast, the more your body produces. Your child needs to pump out all the milk from the breast because he then gets access to the fatty hindmilk behind it. It is why lactation consultants always tell mothers not to restrict the child. Though it can sometimes be a little painful for the mother, and you may experience soreness, it is essential.
- Did you know about lactation cookies?
You must have listened to everyone during pregnancy and tried to eat what’s healthy. But, what if I tell you that this is the moment when you also get to eat something delicious? Yes, you read that right! Lactation cookies can work very well for you. You can either refer to online recipes and bake them at home or find yummy lactation cookies in a store near you.
- What is a lactation tea?
Are you a tea lover? Well, it’s not surprising because the majority of the world’s population is hooked to it. So, how about using it to increase the amount of breast milk that you are presently pumping. Lactation tea has shown varied results to date. While it has worked wonderfully for some ladies, others did not feel much of a difference. How can you find out? By trying it yourself. The tea herbs are most likely to have beneficial effects on you. In case you are unsure, consult your private nutritionist and then make an informed call.
- Have you considered supplements?
Firstly, please remember that you should never take supplements on your own, without any professional consultation or prescription. There are countless varieties available in the market, and you do not know the ingredients of all of them. Since it involves not only your health but also your child’s, you must consume natural and organic supplements only. These have the least possible side effects and assure your child’s safety and good health.
- Use another breast pump.
Last but not least, use another breast pump. You see, every woman’s body is different. While some ladies have standard deliveries, some have underlying conditions such as insufficient glandular tissue, chronic issues like PCOS, milk production issues, or other factors making breastfeeding tough. Another benefit of using a breast pump is that you can store the milk at home for later use- mainly when you are a working lady, and a babysitter looks after the child in your absence.
These are the top 9 tips to increase breast milk supply when you are pumping. The initial months after birth are highly crucial for the mother and child- follow the points mentioned above to ensure duel health.